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Production Costs for Synthetic Methane in 2030 and 2050 of an Optimized Power-to-Gas Plant with Intermediate Hydrogen Storage


The publication gives an overview of the production costs of synthetic methane in a Power-to-Gas process. The production costs depend in particularly on the electricity price and the full load hours of the plant sub-systems electrolysis and methanation. The full-load hours of electrolysis are given by the electricity supply concept. In order to increase the full-load hours of methanation, the size of the intermediate hydrogen storage tank and the size of the methanation are optimised on the basis of the availability of hydrogen. The calculation of the production costs for synthetic methane are done with economics for 2030 and 2050 and the expenditures are calculated for one year of operation. The sources of volume of purchased electricity are the short-term market, long-term contracts, direct-coupled renewable energy sources or seasonal use of surpluses. Gas sales are either traded on the short-term market or guaranteed by long-term contracts. The calculations show, that an intermediate storage tank for hydrogen, adjustment of the methanation size and operating electrolysis and methanation separately, increase the workload of the sub-system methanation. The gas production costs can be significantly reduced. With the future expected development of capital expenditures, operational expenditure, electricity prices, gas costs and efficiencies, an economic production of synthetic natural gas for the years 2030, especially for 2050, is feasible. The results show that Power-to-Gas is an option for long-term, large-scale seasonal storage of renewable energy. Especially the cases with high operating hours for the sub-system methanation and low electricity prices show gas production costs below the expected market prices for synthetic gas and biogas.


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