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Test Campaign on Existing HRS & Dissemination of Results


This document is the final deliverable of Tasks 2 & 3 of the tender N° FCH / OP / CONTRACT 196: “Development of a Metering Protocol for Hydrogen Refuelling Stations”. In Task 2, a test campaign was organized on several HRS in Europe, to apply the testing protocol defined in Task 1. This protocol requires mainly to perform different accuracy tests, in order to determine the error of the complete measuring system (i.e. from the mass flow meter to the nozzle) in real fueling conditions. Seven HRS have been selected to fulfill the requirements specified in the tender. Tests results obtained are presented in this deliverable, and conclusions are proposed to explain the errors observed. In the frame of Task 3, results and conclusions have been widely presented to additional Metrology Institutes than those involved in Task 1, in order to get their adhesion on the testing proposed protocol. All the work performed in Tasks 2 & 3 and associated outcomes / conclusions are reported here.

Funding source: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: France

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