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Charge Carrier Mapping for Z-scheme Photocatalytic Water-splitting Sheet via Categorization of Microscopic Time-resolved Image Sequences


Photocatalytic water splitting system using particulate semiconductor materials is a promising strategy for converting solar energy into hydrogen and oxygen. In particular, visible-light-driven ‘Z-scheme’ printable photocatalyst sheets are cost-effective and scalable. However, little is known about the fundamental photophysical processes, which are key to explaining and promoting the photoactivity. Here, we applied the pattern-illumination time-resolved phase microscopy for a photocatalyst sheet composed of Mo-doped BiVO4 and Rh-doped SrTiO3 with indium tin oxide as the electron mediator to investigate photo-generated charge carrier dynamics. Using this method, we successfully observed the position- and structure-dependent charge carrier behavior and visualized the active/inactive sites in the sheets under the light irradiation via the time sequence images and the clustering analysis. This combination methodology could provide the material/synthesis optimization methods for the maximum performance of the photocatalyst sheets.

Funding source: JST PRESTO (#JPMJPR1675), and the Institute of Science and Engineering, Chuo University.
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Japan

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