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Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory Standards Report


Purpose: The Standards module of the FCHO presents a large number of standards relevant for the deployment of hydrogen and fuel cells. The standards are categorized in order to enhance ease of access and usability. The development of sector-relevant standards facilitates and enhances economies of scale, interoperability, comparability, safety, and many other issues. Scope: The database presents European and International standards. Standards from the following standards developing organizations are included: CEN, CENELEC, ISO, IEC, OIML. The report spans January 2019 – December 2019. Key Findings: The development of sector relevant standards on an international level continued to grow in 2019, on European level many standards are still in the process of being drafted. The recently established CEN-CLC JTC 6 (Hydrogen in energy systems) has not published standards yet, but is working on drafting standards on, for example, Guarantees of Origin.

Funding source: The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory has been prepared for the FCH 2 JU under a public procurement contract/EU
Countries: Belgium

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