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Techno-economic Analysis of In-situ Production by Electrolysis, Biomass Gasification and Delivery Systems for Hydrogen Refuelling Stations: Rome Case Study


Starting from the Rome Hydrogen Refuelling Station demand of 65 kg/day, techno-economics of production systems and balance of plant for small scale stations have been analysed. A sensitivity analysis has been done on Levelised Cost of Hydrogen (LCOH) in the range of 0 to 400 kg/day, varying capacity factor and availability hours or travel distance for alkaline electrolysers, biomass gasification and hydrogen delivery. As expected, minimum LCOH for electrolyser and gasifier is found at 400 kg/day and 24 h/day, equal to 12.71 €/kg and 5.99 €/kg however, for operating hours over 12 and 10 h/day the differential cost reaches a plateau (below 5%), for electrolyser and gasifier respectively. For the Rome station design, 160 kWe of electrolysers 24 h/day and 100 kWth gasifier at 8 h/day, LCOH (11.85 €/kg) was calculated considering the modification of the cost structure due to the existing equipment, which is convenient respect the use of a single technology, except for 24 h/day gasification.

Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Italy

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