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The Role of Initial Tank Temperature on Refuelling of On-board Hydrogen Tanks


The influence of the initial tank temperature on the evolution of the internal gas temperature during the refuelling of on-board hydrogen tanks is investigated in this paper. Two different types of tanks, four different fuel delivery temperatures (from ambient temperature refuelling to a pre-cooled hydrogen at −40 °C), several filling rates and initial pressures are considered. It has been found that the final gas temperature increases linearly with the increase of the initial tank temperature while the temperature increase (ΔT) and the final state of charge (SOC) decrease linearly with increasing the initial temperature. This dependency has been found to be larger on type III than on type IV tank and larger the larger the initial pressure. Additionally CFD simulations are performed to better understand the role of the relevant phenomena on the gas temperature histories e.g. gas compression, gas mixing, and heat transfer. By comparing the results of calculations with adiabatic and diathermal tank walls, the effect of the initial gas temperature has been separated from the effect of the initial wall temperature on the process.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Netherlands

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