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Strategy for Selecting an Optimal Propulsion System of a Liquefied Hydrogen Tanker


This study proposed a strategy for selecting an optimal propulsion system of a liquefied hydrogen tanker. Four propulsion system options were conceivable depending on whether the hydrogen BOG (boil-off gas) from the cryogenic cargo tanks was used for fuel or not. These options were evaluated in terms of their economic, technological, and environmental feasibilities. The comparison scope included not only main machinery but also the BOG handling system with electric generators. Cost-benefit analysis, life-cycle costing including carbon tax, and an energy efficiency design index were used as measures to compare the four alternative systems. The analytic hierarchy process made scientific decision-making possible. This methodology provided the priority of each attribute through the use of pairwise comparison matrices. Consequently, the propulsion system using LNG with hydrogen BOG recovery was determined to be the optimal alternative. This system was appropriate for the tanker that achieved the highest evaluation score.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Korea, Republic of

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