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Sector Coupling Potential of Wind-based Hydrogen Production and Fuel Cell Train Operation in Regional Rail Transport in Berlin and Brandenburg


As the transport sector is ought to be decarbonized, fuel-cell-powered trains are a viable zero-tailpipe technology alternative to the widely employed diesel multiple units in regional railway service on non-electrified tracks. Carbon-free hydrogen can be provided by water-electrolysis from renewable energies. In this study we introduce an approach to assess the potential of wind-based hydrogen for use in adjacent regional rail transport by applying a GIS approach in conjunction with a site-level cost model. In Brandenburg about 10.1 million train-km annually could be switched to fuel cell electric train operation. This relates to a diesel consumption of appr. 9.5 million liters today. If fuel cell trains would be employed, that translated to 2198 annual tons hydrogen annually. At favorable sites hydrogen costs of approx. 6.40 €/kg - including costs of hydrogen refueling stations - could be achieved. Making excess hydrogen available for other consumers, would further decrease hydrogen production costs.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Germany

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