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Energy Production by Laser-induced Annihilation in Ultradense Hydrogen H(0)


Laser-induced nuclear processes in ultra-dense hydrogen H(0) give ejection of bunches of mesons similar to known baryon annihilation processes. This process was recently described as useful for relativistic interstellar travel (Holmlid and Zeiner-Gundersen 2020) and more precise experimental results exist now. The mesons are identified from their known decay time constants at rest as slow charged kaons, slow neutral long-lived kaons and slow charged pions. Other observed time constants are interpreted as relativistically dilated decays for fast mesons of the same three types, with kinetic energy up to 100 MeV for the kaons. Mouns are observed with kinetic energy of >100 MeV as decay products from the mesons. These particle energies are much too high to be due to nuclear fusion in hydrogen, and the only known process which can give such energies is baryon annihilation. A model of the annihilation process starting with two protons or two neutrons gives good agreement with the observed meson types and their masses and kinetic energies, thus now giving the complete energetics of the process. The process works with both D(0) and p(0). The efficiency from mass (of two baryons) to useful energy is 46% (contrary to 0.3% for T + D fusion) and the main non-recoverable energy loss is to neutrinos. Neutrons are not formed or ejected so this is an aneutronic process. The energy which can be extracted from ordinary hydrogen is 11.4 TWh per kg. This annihilation method is well suited for small and medium energy applications in the kW to MW range, but scaling-up to GW power stations requires further development. It is unlikely that this energy production method can be used for weapons since there is no ignition or chain reaction.

Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Sweden

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