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Influence of Thermal Treatment on SCC and HE Susceptibility of Supermartensitic Stainless Steel 16Cr5NiMo


A 16Cr5NiMo supermartensitic stainless steel was subjected to different tempering treatments and analyzed by means of permeation tests and slow strain rate tests to investigate the effect of different amounts of retained austenite on its hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility. The 16Cr5NiMo steel class is characterized by a very low carbon content. It is the new variant of 13Cr4Ni. These steels are used in many applications, for example, compressors for sour environments, offshore piping, naval propellers, aircraft components and subsea applications. The typical microstructure is a soft-tempered martensite very close to a body-centered cubic, with a retained austenite fraction and limited δ ferrite phase. Supermartensitic stainless steels have high mechanical properties, together with good weldability and corrosion resistance. The amount of retained austenite is useful to increase low temperature toughness and stress corrosion cracking resistance. Experimental techniques allowed us to evaluate diffusion coefficients and the mechanical behaviour of metals in stress corrosion cracking (SCC) conditions.

Countries: Italy

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