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Critical Assessment of the Effect of Atmospheric Corrosion Induced Hydrogen on Mechanical Properties of Advanced High Strength Steel


Hydrogen absorption into steel during atmospheric corrosion has been of a strong concern during last decades. It is technically important to investigate if hydrogen absorbed under atmospheric exposure conditions can significantly affect mechanical properties of steels. The present work studies changes of mechanical properties of dual phase (DP) advanced high strength steel specimens with sodium chloride deposits during corrosion in humid air using Slow Strain Rate Test (SSRT). Additional annealed specimens were used as reference in order to separate the possible effect of absorbed hydrogen from that of corrosion deterioration. Hydrogen entry was monitored in parallel experiments using hydrogen electric resistance sensor (HERS) and thermal desorption mass spectrometry (TDMS). SSRT results showed a drop in elongation and tensile strength by 42% and 6%, respectively, in 27 days of atmospheric exposure. However, this decrease cannot be attributed to the effect of absorbed hydrogen despite the increase in hydrogen content with time of exposure. Cross-cut analysis revealed considerable pitting, which was suggested to be the main reason for the degradation of mechanical properties

Funding source: Czech Science Foundation, grant number 17-22586S; The Comet Centre CEST is funded within the framework of COMET—Competence Centres for Excellent Technologies by BMVIT, BMDW;
Countries: Austria ; Czech Republic

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