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Hydrogen Embrittlement Behavior of 18Ni 300 Maraging Steel Produced by Selective Laser Melting


A study was performed to investigate the hydrogen embrittlement behavior of 18-Ni 300 maraging steel produced by selective laser melting and subjected to different heat treatment strategies. Hydrogen was pre-charged into the tensile samples by an electro-chemical method at the constant current density of 1 A m−2 and 50 A m−2 for 48 h at room temperature. Charged and uncharged specimens were subjected to tensile tests and the hydrogen concentration was eventually analysed using quadrupole mass spectroscopy. After tensile tests, uncharged maraging samples showed fracture surfaces with dimples. Conversely, in H-charged alloys, quasi-cleavage mode fractures occurred. A lower concentration of trapped hydrogen atoms and higher elongation at fracture were measured in the H-charged samples that were subjected to solution treatment prior to hydrogen charging, compared to the as-built counterparts. Isothermal aging treatment performed at 460 °C for 8 h before hydrogen charging increased the concentration of trapped hydrogen, giving rise to higher hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility.

Funding source: EIT Raw Material grant number 17070 (SPAcEMAN project—Sustainable Powders for Additive Manufacturing); Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research“Department of Excellence LIS4.0 (Integrated Laboratory for Lightweight e Smart Structures)”

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