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Kinetics of Brittle Fracture in Metals Under the Influence of Hydrogen


Some aspects of damage accumulation modelling and brittle fracture processes mechanisms under the combined effect of mechanical loading and hydrogen has been discussed in the article. New mechanism of brittle fracture for metallic materials based on dislocation and phonon structure fingerprints and lattice hydrogen content under the static and dynamic loading at low temperature condition has been proposed. The mechanism based on theoretical research and experimental and numerical studies. The experiments include the energy spectrum of internal friction determination and impact toughness testing for low-temperature brittle-ductile transition revealing. The numerical study based on damage accumulation modeling under the influence of up-hill diffusion in the elastic-plastic problem of solid state by finite element method. A new simple activation model of low temperature and hydrogen influence on damage accumulation process has been proposed. The model shows the rate of damage strong dependence of stress level and hydrogen content, and test temperature. The combination of low temperature and high hydrogen content is most dangerous, so the weld structures in extreme environment such as the Arctic and Subarctic regions have a high risk of breakage. So it is possible to estimate the energy and phonon spectrum of crystal lattice, and predict the properties of microcrystalline and nanostructured materials with the high cold-short threshold on the base of such the approach. There are the recommendations propose to improve the cold resistance of steels and alloys by controlling the characteristics of the dislocation structure of new materials with polycrystalline and ultrafine-grained structure.

Funding source: RFBR, project number 18-48-140015; Ministry of Science and Education of Russian Federation, Project III.28.1.1; Program for Basic Research of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of science
Countries: Russian Federation

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