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Dislocation and Twinning Behaviors in High Manganese Steels in Respect to Hydrogen and Aluminum Alloying


The dislocation and twinning evolution behaviors in high manganese steels Fe-22Mn-0.6C and Fe-17Mn-1.5Al-0.6C have been investigated under tensile deformation with and without diffusive hydrogen. The notched tensile tests were interrupted once primary cracks were detected using the applied direct current potential drop measurement. In parallel, the strain distribution in the vicinity of the crack was characterized by digital image correlation using GOM optical system. The microstructure surrounding the crack was investigated by electron backscatter diffraction. Electron channeling contrast imaging was applied to reveal the evolution of dislocations, stacking faults and deformation twins with respect to the developed strain gradient and amount of hydrogen. The results show that the diffusive hydrogen at the level of 26 ppm has a conspicuous effect on initiating stacking faults, twin bundles and activating multiple deformation twinning systems in Fe-22Mn-0.6C. Eventually, the interactions between deformation twins and grain boundaries lead to grain boundary decohesion in this material. In comparison, hydrogen does not obviously affect the microstructure evolution, namely, the twinning thickness and the amount of activated twinning systems in Fe-17Mn-1.5Al-0.6C. The Al-alloyed grade reveals a postponed nucleation of deformation twins, delayed onset of the secondary twinning system and develops finer twinning lamellae in comparison to the Al-free material. These observations explain the improved resistance to hydrogen-induced cracking in Al-alloyed TWIP steels.

Funding source: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 761“Steel - ab initio; Quantum mechanics guided design of new Fe based materials
Countries: Germany

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