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Continuum Level Simulation of the Grain Size and Misorientation Effects on Hydrogen Embrittlement in Nickel


This paper addresses the size and misorientation effects on hydrogen embrittlement of a four grain nickel aggregate. The grain interior is modelled with orthotropic elasticity and the grain boundary with cohesive zone technique. The grain misorientation angle is parameterized by fixing the lower grains and rotating the upper grains about the out-of-plane axis. The hydrogen effect is accounted for via the three-step hydrogen informed cohesive zone simulation. The grain misorientation exerts an obvious weakening effect on the ultimate strength of the nickel aggregate which reaches its peak at misorientation angles around 20◦, but such effect becomes less pronounced in the case with a pre-crack. The misorientation could induce size effect in the otherwise size independent case without a pre-crack. The contribution of misorientation to the size effect is negligible compare to that caused by the existence of a pre-crack. These findings indicate that the misorientation effect in cases with a deep pre-crack is weaker than expected in shallow-pre-crack situations. Most of these conclusions hold for the hydrogen charging situation except that the ultimate strength is lowered in all the sub-cases due to hydrogen embrittlement. Interestingly, it is observed that the size effect becomes less pronounced with hydrogen taken into account, which is caused by the fact that hydrogen takes more time to reach the failure initiation site in larger grains.

Countries: Norway

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