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Problems of Hydrogen Doping in the Methane Fermentation Process and of Energetic Use of the Gas Mixture


This article discusses the technology for doping hydrogen into the fermenter to increase methane production and the amount of energy in the mixture. Hydrogen doping is anticipated to enable more carbon to be applied to produce methane. Hydrogen is proposed to be produced by using excess electricity from, for example, off-peak electricity hours at night. The possibilities of using a mixture of hydrogen and biogas for combustion in boilers and internal combustion engines have been determined. It has been proven that the volumetric addition of hydrogen reduces the heat of combustion of the mixture. Problems arising from hydrogen doping during the methane fermentation process have been identified.

Funding source: “Development of technology for rational management of bovine shavings from leather processing—MIZDRA 2.0” co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Intelligent Development 2014-2020; Priority IV: Improvement of the scientific and research potential; Activity 4.1 “Scientific Research and Development”, Sub-activity 4.1.4 “Application projects” realized within the competition of the National Centre for Research and Development: POIR.04.01.04-00-0071/20.
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Poland

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