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Development and Operation Modes of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generation System for Remote Consumers’ Power Supply


At the present stage of electric power industry development, special attention is being paid to the development and research of new efficient energy sources. The use of hydrogen fuel cells is promising for remote autonomous power supply systems. The authors of the paper have developed the structure and determined the optimal composition of a hybrid generation system based on hydrogen fuel cells and battery storage and have conducted studies of its operating modes and for remote consumers’ power supply efficiency. A simulation of the electromagnetic processes was carried out to check the operability of the proposed hybrid generation system structure. The simulation results confirmed the operability of the structure under consideration, the calculation of its parameters reliability and the high quality of the output voltage. The electricity cost of a hybrid generation system was estimated according to the LCOE (levelized cost of energy) indicator, its value being 1.17 USD/kWh. The factors influencing the electricity cost of a hydrogen generation system have been determined and ways for reducing its cost identified.

Funding source: The reported study was funded by RFBR, Sirius University of Science and Technology, JSC Russian Railways and Educational Fund “Talent and success”, project number 20-38-51016 and Council of the grants of President of the Russian Federation for the state support of Leading Scientific Schools of the Russian Federation (Grant No. NSH-2485.2020.5).
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Russian Federation

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