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Modeling of a High Temperature Heat Exchanger to Supply Hydrogen Required by Fuel Cells Through Reforming Process


Hydrogen as a clean fuel and a new energy source can be produced by various methods. One of these common and economical methods of hydrogen production is hydrocarbon vapor modification. This research studies hydrogen production using a propane steam reforming process inside a high temperature heat exchanger. The application of this high temperature heat exchanger in the path of the power supply line is a fuel cell stack unit to supply the required hydrogen of the device. The heat exchanger consists of a set of cylindrical tubes housed inside a packed-bed called a reformer. The energy required to perform the reaction is supplied through these tubes in which high temperature gas is injected and the heat exchanger is insulated to prevent energy loss. The results show that at maximum temperature and velocity of hot gases, (900 K and 1.5 m s−1 ), complete consumption of propane can be observed before the outlet of the reformer. Also, in the mentioned conditions, the maximum hydrogen production (above 92%) is obtained. The best permeability under which the system can perform best is 1×10−9 m2.

Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain

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