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Comparative Study of Battery Storage and Hydrogen Storage to Increase Photovoltaic Self-sufficiency in a Residential Building of Sweden


Photovoltaic (PV) is promising to supply power for residential buildings. Battery is the most widely employed storage method to mitigate the intermittence of PV and to overcome the mismatch between production and load. Hydrogen storage is another promising method that it is suitable for long-term storage. This study focuses on the comparison of self-sufficiency ratio and cost performance between battery storage and hydrogen storage for a residential building in Sweden. The results show that battery storage is superior to the hydrogen storage in the studied case. Sensitivity study of the component cost within the hydrogen storage system is also carried out. Electrolyzer cost is the most sensitive factor for improving system performance. A hybrid battery and hydrogen storage system, which can harness the advantages of both battery and hydrogen storages, is proposed in the last place.

Funding source: This work has received funding from KKS Future Energy Profile, European Union’s Horizon 2020 (No. 646529) and National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 program) of China (No. 2015AA050402). The authors thank Wallenstam AB with the building load profile etc. One of the authors, Yang Zhang, acknowledges the financial support from China Scholarship Council (CSC)

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