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Total Cost of Ownership and Its Potential Consequences for the Development of the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered Vehicle Market in Poland


Electromobility is a growing technology for land transport, constituting an important element of the concept of sustainable economic development. The article presents selected research results concerning one of the segments of this market-vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells. The subject of the research was to gain extensive knowledge on the economic factors influencing the future purchasing decisions of the demand side in relation to this category of vehicles. The research was based on a numerical experiment. For this purpose, a comparative analysis of purchase prices in relation to the TCO of the vehicle after 3–5 years of use was performed. The research included selected models that are powered by both conventional and alternative fuels. The use of this method will allow to assess the real costs associated with the hydrogen vehicle. The authors emphasize the important role of economic factors in the form of the TCO index for the development of this market. The experimental approach may be helpful in understanding the essence of economic relations that affect the development of the electro-mobility market and the market demand for hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicles in Poland.

Funding source: This research is funded by University of Szczecin; Research Center for Management of Energy Sector, Institute of Management, Cukrowa Street 8, 71-004 Szczecin, Poland.
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Poland

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