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Investigation on System for Renewable Electricity Storage in Small Scale Integrating Photovoltaics, Batteries, and Hydrogen Generator


In this article the solution based on hydrogen generation to increase the flexibility of energy storage systems is proposed. Operating characteristics of a hydrogen generator with integrated electrical energy storage and a photovoltaic installation were determined. The key role of the electricity storage in the proposed system was to maintain the highest operating efficiency related to the nominal parameters of the hydrogen generator. The hydrogen generators achieved the highest energy efficiency for the nominal operating point at the highest power output. Lead-acid batteries were used to ensure the optimal operating conditions for the hydrogen generator supplied with renewable energy throughout the day. The proposed system reduces significantly the hydrogen generator nominal power and devices in system operate in such a way to improve their efficiency and durability. The relations between individual components and their constraints were determined. The proposed solution is fully in-line with previously investigated technologies for improving grid stability and can help incorporate renewable energy sources to increase the sustainability of the energy sector and green hydrogen production.

Funding source: The publication was funded within Silesian University of Technology grant no. 08/050/BKM20/0218. Authors also gratefully acknowledge the support of the Polish National Science Centre within the framework of the research project entitled “Utilization of electrolysis and oxygen gasification processes for the production of synthetic natural gas in a polygeneration system”, no. 2017/27/B/ST8/02270.
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Poland

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