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Multi-Objective Optimization of a Hydrogen Hub for the Decarbonization of a Port Industrial Area


Green hydrogen is addressed as a promising solution to decarbonize industrial and mobility sectors. In this context, ports could play a key role not only as hydrogen users but also as suppliers for industrial plants with which they have strong commercial ties. The implementation of hydrogen technologies in ports has started to be addressed as a strategy for renewable energy transition but still requires a detailed evaluation of the involved costs, which cannot be separated from the correct design and operation of the plant. Hence, this study proposes the design and operation optimization of a hydrogen production and storage system in a typical Italian port. Multi-objective optimization is performed to determine the optimal levelized cost of hydrogen in environmental and techno-economic terms. A Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) electrolyzer powered by a grid-integrated photovoltaic (PV) plant, a compression station and two-pressure level storage systems are chosen to provide hydrogen to a hydrogen refueling station for a 20-car fleet and satisfy the demand of the hydrogen batch annealing in a steel plant. The results report that a 341 kWP PV plant, 89 kW electrolyzer and 17 kg hydrogen storage could provide hydrogen at 7.80 €/kgH2, potentially avoiding about 153 tCO2,eq/year (120 tCO2,eq/year only for the steel plant).

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Italy

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