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Intelligent Natural Gas and Hydrogen Pipeline Dispatching Using the Coupled Thermodynamics-Informed Neural Network and Compressor Boolean Neural Network


Natural gas pipelines have attracted increasing attention in the energy industry thanks to the current demand for green energy and the advantages of pipeline transportation. A novel deep learning method is proposed in this paper, using a coupled network structure incorporating the thermodynamics-informed neural network and the compressor Boolean neural network, to incorporate both functions of pipeline transportation safety check and energy supply predictions. The deep learning model is uniformed for the coupled network structure, and the prediction efficiency and accuracy are validated by a number of numerical tests simulating various engineering scenarios, including hydrogen gas pipelines. The trained model can provide dispatchers with suggestions about the number of phases existing during the transportation as an index showing safety, while the effects of operation temperature, pressure and compositional purity are investigated to suggest the optimized productions.

Funding source: The authors are thankful for the support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 51874262 and 51936001) and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (BAS/1/1351-01-01).

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