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The Maritime Sector and Its Problematic Decarbonization: A Systematic Review of the Contribution of Alternative Fuels


The present study seeks to select the most important articles and reviews from the Web of Science database that approached alternative fuels towards the decarbonization of the maritime sector. Through a systematic review methodology, a combination of keywords and manual refining found a contribution of 103 works worldwide, the European continent accounting for 57% of all publications. Twenty-two types of fuels were cited by the authors, liquefied natural gas (LNG), hydrogen, and biodiesel contributing to 49% of the mentions. Greenhouse gases, sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide, and particulate matter reductions are some of the main advantages of cleaner sources if used by the vessels. Nevertheless, there is a lack of practical research on new standards, engine performance, cost, and regulations from the academy to direct more stakeholders towards low carbon intensity in the shipping sector.

Funding source: This Research was funded by the Science and Technology Foundation (FCT), Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MCTES), European Social Fund (FSE), and Europe Union (EU), under the grant number PD/BD/142848/2018.
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Portugal

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