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Suitable Site Selection for Solar‐Based Green Hydrogen in Southern Thailand Using GIS‐MCDM Approach


Climate change mitigation efforts are in dire need of greener and more versatile fuel al‐ ternatives to fossil fuels. Green hydrogen being both renewable and flexible has the potential to offset fossil fuels as the primary fuel source. Countries around the world are planning to develop their green hydrogen industries and accurate potential assessment is vital. This study employed the consolidation of a geographic information system (GIS) and the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) technique of multicriteria decision making (MCDM) for the potential assessment of green hydrogen in southern Thailand, through the selection of suitable sites for solar‐based green hy‐ drogen production. Technical, economic, and environmental criteria with 10 sub‐criteria were con‐ sidered for the selection of suitable sites. With 0.243 (24.3%) weight, the distance from protected areas turned out to be the most important sub‐criterion, whereas the criterion of elevation, with a 0.017 (1.7%) score, was considered the least important. Southern Thailand is a well‐suited area for solar‐based green hydrogen production, with a 4302 km2 area of high suitability and a 3350 km2 area of moderate suitability. These suitable areas can be utilized to develop the green hydrogen industry of Thailand, and the method developed can be employed for the assessment of green hydrogen potential in other parts of the country. Studies like these are vital for the development of green hydrogen road maps for Thailand to develop its hydrogen policy and promote investments in the sector.

Funding source: This research was supported by Prince of Songkla University, grant number ENV6502112N.
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Thailand

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