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Hydrogen–Natural Gas Blending in Distribution Systems—An Energy, Economic, and Environmental Assessment


Taking into account the international policies in the field of environmental protection in the world in general, and in the European Union in particular, the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and primarily of carbon dioxide, has become one of the most important objectives. This can be obtained through various renewable energy sources and non-polluting technologies, such as the mixing of hydrogen and natural gas. Combining hydrogen with natural gas is an emerging trend in the energy industry and represents one of the most important changes in the efforts to achieve extensive decarbonisation. The importance of this article consists of carrying out a techno-economic study based on the simulation of annual consumptions regarding the construction and use of production capacities for hydrogen to be used in mixtures with natural gas in various percentages in the distribution network of an important operator in Romania. In order to obtain relevant results, natural gas was treated as a mixture of real gases with a known composition as defined in the chromatographic bulletin. The survey presents a case study for the injection of 5%, 10%, and 20% hydrogen in the natural gas distribution system of Bucharest, the largest city in Romania. In addition to conducting this techno-economic study, the implications for final consumers of this technical solution in reducing greenhouse gas emissions—mainly those of carbon dioxide from combustion—are also presented.

Funding source: This research was funded by Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti and the APC was funded by CNFIS grant number CNFIS-FDI-2022-0319.
Related subjects: Hydrogen Blending
Countries: Romania

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