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Numerical Modeling of Energy Systems Based on Micro Gas Turbine: A Review


In the context of the great research pulse on clean energy transition, distributed energy systems have a key role, especially in the case of integration of both renewable and traditional energy sources. The stable interest in small-scale gas turbines can further increase owing to their flexibility in both operation and fuel supply. Since their not-excellent electrical efficiency, research activities on micro gas turbine (MGT) are focused on the performance improvements that are achievable in several ways, like modifying the Brayton cycle, integrating two or more plants, using cleaner fuels. Hence, during the last decades, the growing interest in MGT-based energy systems encouraged the development of many numerical approaches aimed to provide a reliable and effective prediction of the energy systems’ behavior. Indeed, numerical modeling can help to individuate potentialities and issues of each enhanced layout or hybrid energy system, and this review aims to discuss the various layout solutions proposed by researchers, with particular attention to recent publications, highlighting the adopted modeling approaches and methods.

Funding source: This review was partly carried out as a part of the Italian national research project “Biofeedstock—PON ARS01_00985”, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR).
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Italy

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