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Subsurface Porous Media Hydrogen Storage - Scenario Development and Simulation


Subsurface porous media hydrogen storage could be a viable option to mitigate shortages in energy supply from renewable sources. In this work, a scenario for such a storage is developed and the operation is simulated using a numerical model. A hypothetical storage site is developed, based on an actual geological structure. The results of the simulations show that the storage can supply about 20 % of the average demand in electrical energy of the state of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, for a week-long period.

Funding source: We gratefully acknowledge the funding of the ANGUS+ joint project by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the Energy Storage Funding Initiative, grant number 03EK3022, as well as the support of the Project Management Julich ¨ (PTJ).
Countries: Germany

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