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Refurbishment of Natural Gas Pipelines towards 100% Hydrogen—A Thermodynamic-Based Analysis


Hydrogen is a key enabler of a sustainable society. Refurbishment of the existing natural gas infrastructure for up to 100% H2 is considered one of the most energy- and resource-efficient energy transportation methods. The question remains whether the transportation of 100% H2 with reasonable adaptions of the infrastructure and comparable energy amounts to natural gas is possible. The well-known critical components for refurbishment, such as increased compressor power, reduced linepack as well as pipeline transport efficiencies, and their influencing factors were considered based on thermodynamic calculations with a step-by-step overview. A H2 content of 20–30% results in comparable operation parameters to pure natural gas. In addition to transport in pipelines, decentralized H2 production will also play an important role in addressing future demands.

Funding source: This research was funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG as part of the project “UpHy-II” (grant number 887041), as well as funded within the COMET program by the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria (BMK, BMDW), the “Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft”, and the province of Upper Austria as part of “HyTechnonomy“ (grant number 882510).
Countries: Austria

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