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Alternative and Innovative Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Materials: A Short Review


Solid oxide electrolysis cell is the leading technology for production of green hydrogen by high temperature electrolysis. However, optimization of existing reference materials constituting the cell and development of innovative materials remain critical for solid oxide electrolysis cell. In particular, they are key to reach performance and durability targets compatible with a commercialization for the three main markets identified as follows: large-scale H2 production, Power-to-X and Power-to-Power. This short review summarizes the latest progress in research and development of alternative and innovative materials for solid oxide electrolysis cells, with a main focus on cathode-supported cell materials. A brief description of the layers constituting the solid oxide electrolysis cell is provided, with the associated current state-of-the-art materials. A further emphasis on the most promising alternative and innovative materials for each layer follows based on the major aspects from an industrial perspective to reach a competitive hydrogen production cost for the main targeted markets: performance, durability, scaling up/manufacturing ability and operational flexibility.

Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: France

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