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Micro Gas Turbine Role in Distributed Generation with Renewable Energy Sources


To become sustainable, the production of electricity has been oriented towards the adoption of local and renewable sources. Distributed electric and thermal energy generation is more suitable to avoid any possible waste, and the Micro Gas Turbine (MGT) can play a key role in this scenario. Due to the intrinsic properties and the high flexibility of operation of this energy conversion system, the exploitation of alternative fuels and the integration of the MGT itself with other energy conversion systems (solar field, ORC, fuel cells) represent one of the most effective strategies to achieve higher conversion efficiencies and to reduce emissions from power systems. The present work aims to review the results obtained by the researchers in the last years. The different technologies are analyzed in detail, both separately and under a more complete view, considering two or more solutions embedded in micro-grid configurations.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Italy

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