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The Challenges of Integrating the Principles of Green Chemistry and Green Engineering to Heterogeneous Photocatalysis to Treat Water and Produce Green H2


Nowadays, heterogeneous photocatalysis for water treatment and hydrogen production are topics gaining interest for scientists and developers from different areas, such as environmental technology and material science. Most of the efforts and resources are devoted to the development of new photocatalyst materials, while the modeling and development of reaction systems allowing for upscaling the process to pilot or industrial scale are scarce. In this work, we present what is known on the upscaling of heterogeneous photocatalysis to purify water and to produce green H2. The types of reactors successfully used in water treatment plants are presented as study cases. The challenges of upscaling the photocatalysis process to produce green H2 are explored from the perspectives of (a) the adaptation of photoreactors, (b) the competitiveness of the process, and (c) safety. Throughout the text, Green Chemistry and Engineering Principles are described and discussed on how they are currently being applied to the heterogeneous photocatalysis process along with the challenges that are ahead. Lastly, the role of automation and high-throughput methods in the upscaling following the Green Principles is discussed.

Funding source: This research was funded by Secretaría de Educación, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de la Ciudad de México, grant number SECITI/047/2016.
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Mexico

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