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Permeation Tests in Type-approval Regulations for Hydrogen Fuelled Vehicles: Analysis and Testing Experiences at the JRC-GASTEF Facility


This article presents an analysis of the permeation tests established in the current regulations for the type-approval of on board tanks in hydrogen vehicles. The analysis is done from the point of view of a test maker, regarding the preparation for the execution of a permeation test. The article contains a description of the required instrumentation and set-up to carry out a permeation test according to the applicable standards and regulations. Tank conditions at the beginning of the test, configuration of permeation chamber, duration of the test, or permeation rate to be reported, are aspects that are not well-defined in regulations. In this paper we examine the challenges when carrying out a permeation test and propose possible solutions to overcome them, with the intention of supporting test makers and helping the development of permeation test guidelines.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Netherlands

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