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Residential Fuel Transition and Fuel Interchangeability in Current Self-Aspirating Combustion Applications: Historical Development and Future Expectations


To reduce greenhouse gases and air pollutants, new technologies are emerging to reduce fossil fuel usage and to adopt more renewable energy sources. As the major aspects of fuel consumption, power generation, transportation, and industrial applications have been given significant attention. The past few decades witnessed astonishing technological advancement in these energy sectors. In contrast, the residential sector has had relatively little attention despite its significant utilization of fuels for a much longer period. However, almost every energy transition in human history was initiated by the residential sector. For example, the transition from fuelwood to cheap coal in the 1700s first took place in residential houses due to urbanization and industrialization. The present review demonstrates the energy transitions in the residential sector during the past two centuries while portending an upcoming energy transition and future energy structure for the residential sector. The feasibility of the 100% electrification of residential buildings is discussed based on current residential appliance adoption, and the analysis indicates a hybrid residential energy structure is preferred over depending on a single energy source. Technical considerations and suggestions are given to help incorporate more renewable energy into the residential fuel supply system. Finally, it is observed that, compared to the numerous regulations on large energy-consumption aspects, standards for residential appliances are scarce. Therefore, it is concluded that establishing appropriate testing methods is a critical enabling step to facilitate the adoption of renewable fuels in future appliances.

Funding source: This research was funded by the California Energy Commission (Contract PIR-16-017).
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: United States

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