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Recent Developments in Methane Decomposition over Heterogenous Catalysts: An Overview


The production of hydrogen to be used as an alternative renewable energy has been widely explored. Among various methods for producing hydrogen from hydrocarbons, methane decomposition is suitable for generating hydrogen with zero greenhouse gas emissions. The use of high temperatures as a result of strong carbon and hydrogen (C–H) bonds may be reduced by utilizing a suitable catalyst with appropriate catalyst support. Catalysts based on transition metals are preferable in terms of their activeness, handling, and low cost in comparison with noble metals. Further development of catalysts in methane decomposition has been investigated. In this review, the recent progress on methane decomposition in terms of catalytic materials, preparation method, the physicochemical properties of the catalysts and their performance in methane decomposition were presented. The formation of carbon as part of the reaction was also discussed.

Funding source: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia under grant numbers (GUP-2017-006) and Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia through the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS/1/2019/STG01/ UKM/031).
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Malaysia

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