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Economic Modelling of Mixing Hydrogen with Natural Gas


As global efforts intensify to transition toward cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, the blending of hydrogen with natural gas emerges as a promising strategy to reduce carbon emissions and enhance energy security. This study employs a systematic approach to assess the economic viability of hydrogen blending, considering factors such as gas costs and heat values. Various hydrogen blending scenarios are analyzed to determine the optimal blend ratios, taking into account both technical feasibility and economic considerations. The study discusses potential economic benefits, challenges, and regulatory implications associated with the widespread adoption of hydrogen–natural gas mixtures. Furthermore, the study explores the impact of this integration on existing natural gas infrastructure, exploring the potential for enhanced energy storage and delivery. The findings of this research contribute valuable insights to policymakers, industry stakeholders, and researchers engaged in the ongoing energy transition, by providing a nuanced understanding of the economic dimensions of hydrogen blending within the natural gas sector.

Funding source: The scientific research and publication of this article were supported by the ERA–NET Project “New technology to produce hydrogen from Renewable Energy Sources based on AI with optimized costs for environmental applications” (HydroG(re)EnergY-Env, No. 112068).
Related subjects: Hydrogen Blending
Countries: Latvia

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