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Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen–Coal Blending Combustion in a 660 MW Tangential Boiler


With the adjustment of energy structure, the utilization of hydrogen energy has been widely attended. China’s carbon neutrality targets make it urgent to change traditional coal-fired power generation. The paper investigates the combustion of pulverized coal blended with hydrogen to reduce carbon emissions. In terms of calorific value, the pulverized coal combustion with hydrogen at 1%, 5%, and 10% blending ratios is investigated. The results show that there is a significant reduction in CO2 concentration after hydrogen blending. The CO2 concentration (mole fraction) decreased from 15.6% to 13.6% for the 10% hydrogen blending condition compared to the non-hydrogen blending condition. The rapid combustion of hydrogen produces large amounts of heat in a short period, which helps the ignition of pulverized coal. However, as the proportion of hydrogen blending increases, the production of large amounts of H2O gives an overall lower temperature. On the other hand, the temperature distribution is more uniform. The concentrations of O2 and CO in the upper part of the furnace increased. The current air distribution pattern cannot satisfy the adequate combustion of the fuel after hydrogen blending.

Funding source: The authors appreciate the financial support provided by the State Grid Company Limited Electric Power Research Institute Science and Technology Project (SGXJDK00NYJS2310296).
Related subjects: Hydrogen Blending

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