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Low Carbon Economic Dispatch of Integrated Energy Systems Considering Utilization of Hydrogen and Oxygen Energy


Power-to-gas (P2G) facilities use surplus electricity to convert to natural gas in integrated energy systems (IES), increasing the capacity of wind power to be consumed. However, the capacity limitation of P2G and the antipeaking characteristic of wind power make the wind abandonment problem still exist. Meanwhile, the oxygen generated by P2G electrolysis is not fully utilized. Therefore, this study proposes a low-carbon economic dispatch model considering the utilization of hydrogen and oxygen energy. First, the two-stage reaction model of P2G is established, and the energy utilization paths of hydrogen blending and oxygen-rich deep peaking are proposed. Specifically, hydrogen energy is blended into the gas grid to supply gas-fired units, and oxygen assists oxygenrich units into deep peaking. Subsequently, the stochastic optimization is used to deal with the uncertainty of the system, and the objective function and constraints of the IES are given to establish a low-carbon dispatch model under the energy utilization model. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified based on the modified IEEE 39-node electric network, 20-node gas network and 6-node heat network models.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways

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