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Looking Beyond Compressed Hydrogen Storage for Sweden: Opportunities and Barriers for Chemical Hydrides


As Sweden takes its first steps towards a hydrogen-based economy, a strategic approach to infrastructure development for both storage and delivery becomes necessary. Although compressed hydrogen is currently the state-of-the-art, its low volumetric density and associated high capital costs pose challenges to widespread societal deployment of hydrogen. In order to avoid technological lock-in, alternatives storage technologies including chemical hydrides, e.g. methanol, ammonia, methane and LOHC, must also be explored. These alternatives offer higher hydrogen densities, safer handling, and compatibility with existing infrastructure. However, each hydride has unique chemical and physical properties, requires distinct feedstock and conversion processes, and interacts with the energy system in different ways, all of which influences their suitability for various applications. Therefore, a comprehensive evaluation of these alternative hydrogen storage technologies, as carried out in this article, is vital to allow for informed investment decisions and pave the way towards a successful and sustainable hydrogen economy.

Funding source: The work has been conducted within the project PUSH – Production, Use, and Storage of Hydrogen (Project number ARC19-0026), funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF). We also gratefully acknowledge the financial support received through the Swedish governmental initiative StandUp for Energy.
Countries: Sweden

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