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Hydrogen, the First Element Podcast - Episode 4: Reskill to Repower - Preparing the Hydrogen Workforce


During her State of the Union Address, the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, defined 2023 as the "European Year of Skills", highlighting the urgency to overcome the shortage of skilled workforce in Europe, a challenge that affects the hydrogen sector as well. The rapid development of the European Hydrogen Value Chain over the coming years is expected to generate approximately 1 million highly skilled jobs by 2030, and up to 5.4 million by 2050.  In the fourth episode titled "Reskill to Repower: Preparing the Hydrogen workforce", our Chief Technology & Market Officer Stephen Jackson discusses with Massimo Valsania, VP of Engineering at EthosEnergy and Co-chair of Hydrogen Europe Skills Working Group. Starting off with Massimo's professional background and his current role in our association, the two speakers discussed the skills needed in the hydrogen economy and the policies that should be put in place to attract new generations.

Countries: Belgium

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