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Urban Buses: Alternative Powertrains for Europe: A Fact-based Analysis of the Role of Diesel Hybrid, Hydrogen Fuel Cell, Trolley and Battery Electric Powertrains


A coalition of 40 industrial companies and government organizations, financially supported by the FCH JU, elaborated a technology neutral and fact-based comparative study on eight different powertrain technologies for urban buses in Europe from 2012 to 2030.
According to the results of the study, only fully electric powertrain buses (based on hydrogen, batteries or trolley system) have the potential to achieve zero local emissions by drastically reducing well-to-wheel emissions.
Following the positive comparative result for  fuel cell hydrogen  urban buses, the FCH JU will  launch a follow-up study that more specifically defines real uptake scenarios for market entry scheduled to starting before summer 2013.

Funding source: The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU)
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Belgium

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