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Study on the Use of Fuel Cells in Shipping


Fuel Cells are a promising technology in the context of clean power sustainability and alternative fuels for shipping. Different specific developments on Fuel Cells are available today, with research and pilot projects under evaluation that have revealed strong potential for further scaled up implementation. The EMSA Study on the use of Fuel Cells in Shipping has been the result of this Agency’s initiative, under the agreement of the Commission and in support of EU Member States, an important instrument, developed in close partnership with DNV-GL.
Notwithstanding the close dependency of Fuel Cell technology and the development of hydrogen fuel solutions, different solutions are today in place making use of LNG, methanol and other low flashpoint fuels. EMSA participates, in support of the Commission, in the 2nd phase development of the IGF Code where provisions for Fuel Cells are to be included as a new part of the text.
The EMSA Study on the use of Fuel Cells in Shipping includes a technology and regulatory review, identifying gaps to be further explored, the selection of the most promising Fuel Cell technologies for shipping and, finally, a generic Safety Assessment where the selected technologies are evaluated according to Risk & Safety aspects in generic ship design applications.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Germany

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