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The Dawn of Hydrogen - Fuel of the Future


This is a time of enormous change for the gas industry as the UK and the world at large attempts to meet the challenges of decarbonisation in the face of climate change. Hydrogen is expected to play a vital role in achieving the government’s commitment of eliminating the UK’s contribution to climate change by 2050, with the industry creating up to 8,000 jobs by 2030 and potentially unlocking up to 100,000 jobs by the middle of the century. But despite the UK government’s huge ambitions, hydrogen is just one piece of the puzzle, and it will be necessary to seek solutions that bring the whole energy system together – including not just heat for buildings, but hard-to decarbonise areas such as manufacturing, road transport, aviation and shipping. Here, we bring you just a taste of some of the amazing work taking place across the energy sector to understand this fuel more clearly, to comprehend its strengths and limitations and to integrate it into our current energy infrastructure. We hope you enjoy this special publication.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: United Kingdom

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