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Workshop Report: Summary & Outcomes, Putting Science into Standards Power-to-Hydrogen and HCNG


The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, together with the European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO), the European Standards Organisations (ESO) CEN and CENELEC, and the European Commission Directorate-General Enterprise and Industry (ENTR) have launched an initiative, within the context of the European Forum on Science and Industry, to bring the scientific and standardization communities closer together. The second, and very successful workshop in a series entitled “Putting Science into Standards" was held in at the Institute for Energy and Transport of the JRC in Petten on 21-22 October 2014.
The workshop focused on Power to Hydrogen (P2H) and Hydrogen Compressed Natural Gas (HCNG) which represent a promising and major contribution to the challenging management of increased integration of renewable energy sources in the overall energy system. The workshop offered a platform to exchange ideas on technologies, policy and standardization issues. The participation of major stakeholders from both industry and research to this event proved fruitful in moving towards consensus on the relevant technical issues involved, and at identifying a common way forward to increase the maturity and market visibility of P2H components and systems. Other outcomes include a clarification of expectations of industry of where and how policy and standardization can contribute to a competitive development of P2H and related issues. The workshop results will be used to devise a roadmap on "Opportunities for Power to Hydrogen and HCNG" by CEN/CENELEC, outlining the next steps of standardization activities.

Funding source: European Commission
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: Netherlands

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Concluding remarks by Marc Steen

Concluding remarks by Bernard Gindroz

Keynote 1: Power to Gas – potential & requirements by P. Röttgen

Keynote 2: A European Perspective on Power-to-Gas byTudor Constantinescu

Keynote 3: International Standardization Efforts on Hydrogen Technologies by A. Tchouvelev

Keynote 4: CEN/CENELEC Sector Forum Energy Management : An opportunity for further and consistent standardization development in Hydrogen-Energy related issues. by Bernard Gindroz

Session 1: Power-to-Hydrogen – performance, durability, safety of large-scale electrolysis from intermittent renewables by F. Lefebvre-Joud

Session 1: Power-to-Hydrogen – performance, durability, safety of large-scale electrolysis from intermittent renewables by Gaëlle Hotellier

Session 1: Power-to-Hydrogen – performance, durability, safety of large-scale electrolysis from intermittent renewables by Bernard Gindroz

Session 2: Injection/Admixture of H2 to the NG grid: compatibility, interoperability and safety by D. Salisbury

Session 2: Injection/Admixture of H2 to the NG grid compatibility, interoperability and safety by Gert Müller-Syring, and Hartmut Krause

Session 2: Injection/Admixture of H2 to the NG grid: compatibility, interoperability and safety by Jacques Dubost

Session 3: Use of HCNG for re-powering, mobility, heat by Hartmut Krause

Session 3: Use of HCNG for re-powering, mobility, heat
R. Schoentgen

Session 3: use of HCNG for re-powering, mobility, heat by Benno Weinberger

Session 4: Standardization aspects for provision of ancillary services by John Newton

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