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Hydrogen Transport Safety: Case of Compressed Gaseous Tube Trailer


The following paper describes researches to evaluate the behaviour under various accidental conditions of systems of transport compressed hydrogen. Particularly have been considered gaseous tube trailer and the packages cylinders employed for the road transport which have an internal gas pressures up to 200 barg.
Further to a verification of the actual safety conditions, this analysis intends to propose a theme that in the next future, if confirmed projects around the employment of hydrogen as possible source energetic alternative, could become quite important. The general increase of the consumptions of hydrogen and the consequently probable increase of the transports of gaseous hydrogen in pressure they will make the problem of the safety of the gaseous tube trail particularly important. Gaseous tube trailers will also use as components of plant. for versatility, easy availability' and inexpensiveness.
The first part of the memory is related to the analysis of the accidents happened in the last year in Italy with compressed hydrogen transports and particularly an accurate study has been made on the behaviour of a gaseous tube trailer involved in fire following a motorway accident in March 2003. In the central part of the job has been done a safety analysis of the described events trying to make to also emerge the most critical elements towards the activities developed by the teams of help intervened.
Finally in the last part you are been listed, on the base of the picked data, a series of proposals and indications of the possible structural and procedural changes that could be suggested with the purpose to guarantee more elevated safety levels.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Italy

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Case of compressed gaseous tube trailer

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