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On the Use of Spray Systems- An Example of R&D Work in Hydrogen Safety for Nuclear Applications


The aim of the present work is to investigate the interaction between a water spray and a laminar hydrogen-air flame in the case of steam inerted mixture. A first work is devoted to study the thermodynamics involved in the phenomena via a lumped parameter code. The flow is two- phase and reactive, the gas is multi-component, the water spray is polydisperse and the droplet size has certainly an influence on the flame propagation. The energy released by the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen vaporizes suspended droplets. The next step of this study will be to consider a drift-flux model for the droplets and air under hypotheses that the velocity and thermal disequilibria are weak. The multi-component feature of the gas will be further taken into account by studying a gas mixture containing hydrogen, air and water vapor. A second study concerns an experimental investigation of the effect of droplets on the flame propagation using a spherical vessel. A Schlieren system is coupled to the spherical vessel in order to record the flame propagation on a digital high speed camera. Both studies will help improve our knowledge of safety relevant phenomena.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: France

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On the Use of Spray Systems- An Example of R&D Work in Hydrogen Safety for Nuclear Applications - Presentation

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