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Uncertainty of Acceleration of a Premixed Laminar Unstable Hydrogen Flame


Unstable hydrogen-air flame behavior randomities are important for industrial safety, hydrogen infrastructure safety and nuclear power plant hydrogen safety problems. The paper is devoted to an experimental and theoretical study of the uncertainty in the acceleration of a premixed laminar unstable hydrogen flame. The results of experiments on spherical flame propagation in hydrogen-air mixtures with a hydrogen content of 10 to 60% are presented. The experiments were repeated up to 30 times in the same mixtures. A statistical analysis of the experimental results has been carried out. The scatter of the experimental data depending on the hydrogen content in the mixture was estimated. It was found to be between 8 to 17% for different mixtures with the same flame radius and mixture composition. Similar results were obtained using the numerical integration of the Sivashinsky equation of flame propagation.

Funding source: This research was funded by the RFBR, project number 20-31-70041.
Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Russian Federation

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