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French Guide to Conformity Assessment and Certification of Hydrogen Systems


Hydrogen as energy carrier is referenced in French and European political strategies to realize the transition to low-carbon energy. In 2020 in France the government was launching a major investment plan amounting to 7.2 billion euros until 2030, to support the deployment of large-scale hydrogen technologies [1]. The implementation of this strategy should lead to the arrival of several new hydrogen systems that will need to be evaluated and certified regarding their compliance with safety requirements before being commercialized. Conformity assessment and certification play an important role to achieve a good safety level on the EU market for the protection of workers and consumers. It is a way for the manufacturer to prove that hazards have been identified and risks are managed and to demonstrate his commitment to safety that are key to access to the EU market. To assist manufacturers in identifying the applicable regulations, standards and procedures for putting their product on the market, Ineris elaborated a guidebook [2], with financial and technical support by ADEME, the French Agency for Ecological Transition and France Hydrogen, the French Association for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells. The preparation of this document also led to identifying gaps in the Regulations, Codes and Standards (RCS) framework and necessary resources for the implementation of the conformity assessment procedures. This paper first describes the main regulatory procedures applicable for various types of hydrogen systems. Then describes the role of the actors involved in this process, with a special focus on the French context. And finally focuses on some of the gaps that were identified and formulates suggestions to address them.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: France

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