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Numerical Simulation on Hydrogen Leakage and Dispersion Behavior in Hydrogen Energy Infrastructures


Unexpected hydrogen leakage may occur in the production, storage, transportation and utilization of hydrogen. The lower flammability limit (LFL) for the hydrogen is 4% in air. The combustion and explosion of hydrogen-air mixture poses potential hazards to personnel and property. In this study, unintended release of hydrogen from a hydrogen fuel cell forklift vehicle inside a enclosed warehouse is simulated by fireFoam, which is an LES Navier-Stokes CFD solver. The simulation results are verified by experimental data. The variation of hydrogen concentration with time and the isosurface of hydrogen concentration of 4% vol. are given. Furthermore, the leakage of hydrogen from a storage tanks in a hydrogen refueling station is simulated, and the evolution of the isosurface of hydrogen concentration of 4% vol. is given, which provides a quantitative guidence for determination the hazardous area after the leakage of hydrogen.

Related subjects: Safety

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