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Predictions of Solid-State Hydrogen Storage System Contamination Processes


Solid state materials such as metal and chemical hydrides have been proposed and developed for high energy density automotive hydrogen storage applications. As these materials are implemented into hydrogen storage systems, developers must understand their behavior during accident scenarios or contaminated refueling events. An ability to predict thermal and chemical processes during contamination allows for the design of safe and effective hydrogen storage systems along with the development of appropriate codes and standards. A model for the transport of gases within an arbitrary-geometry, reactive metal hydride bed (alane, -AlH3) is presented in this paper. We have coupled appropriate Knudsen-regime permeability models for flow through packed beds with the fundamental heat transfer and chemical kinetic processes occurring at the particle level. Using experimental measurement to determine and validate model parameters, we have developed a robust numerical model that can be utilized to predict processes in arbitrary scaled-up geometries during scenarios such as breach-in-tank or contaminated refueling. Results are presented that indicate the progression of a reaction front through a compacted alane bed as a result of a leaky fitting. The rate of this progression can be limited by; 1) restricting the flow of reactants into the bed through densification, and 2) maximizing the rate of heat removal from the bed.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: United States

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Predictions of Solid-State Hydrogen Storage System Contamination Processes - Presentation

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